Balancing My HVAC SystemBalancing My HVAC System

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Balancing My HVAC System

A few months ago, I realized that something was wrong with my HVAC system. It seemed like no matter what I did, some rooms were hot and some rooms were simply getting too much cooled air. Instead of trying to troubleshoot my air conditioner on my own, I called out a professional HVAC repairman for help. They went through each room of my house when the system was running to measure the outgoing airflow and to check for issues. They discovered some serious balance problems, which they resolved after running a few extra lines. Check out this blog to learn more about HVAC in general.

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Benefits Of A Natural Gas Furnace

Whether you are building a new home or simply want to upgrade the HVAC system in your current home, you have four basic choices for your new furnace: oil, electric, propane, and natural gas. It can be difficult to determine the best option and your choice can be dependent upon several factors, including your location. When it comes to these four options, there are several reasons why natural gas the best choice for you might be. Here are a few of the advantages of a natural gas furnace.

Natural Gas Furnaces Are More Cost-Effective

When compared to propane and fuel oil, natural gas is far less expensive to heat your home. Over the last few years when the prices of gas and oil have been fluctuating and often going up, the prices of natural gas have remained consistent. In the case of electric heat, which on the surface can seem less expensive natural gas, you will quickly discover that in the long run and over the course of a long winter, natural gas is the more cost-effective option.

That is because electric furnaces use coils that must heat up to a certain temperature before distributing heat into your home. The amount of energy required to heat up the coils and maintain this temperature is actually more in the long run when you compare it to the cost of maintaining the temperature in your home while using natural gas.

Natural Gas Is a Safe Option for Your Home and Family

When maintained properly, your natural gas furnace is very safe to run and poses a minimal threat to your family and home. Most types of furnaces, except electric furnaces, emit carbon monoxide, which is a byproduct of burning fuel or natural gas. Luckily, your natural gas furnace and all types of fuel or gas furnaces are built to filter this carbon monoxide into the air outside your home.

However, unlike other types of furnaces, natural gas furnaces emit fewer other types of contaminants than other options, including sulfur dioxide and solid and gas particulates.

Natural Gas Is More Environmentally Friendly

When compared to the other three types of furnace options, natural gas is a very environmentally friendly choice. Natural gas is a very clean-burning fossil fuel that does not emit as nearly as many gases that are the causes of ground-level air pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer.

From it being a more environmentally conscious choice to the product's ability to save you money on your monthly energy bills, when it comes to choosing your home's next furnace, you will quickly find that natural gas is the best option.

For more information on which furnace installation you should choose, contact a professional near you.