Problem Solving When Your Walk In Freezer Isn't Working Properly
When you have a walk in freezer and it is no longer able to keep the contents inside cool, it's time to do some problem solving to figure out what is wrong with the freezer. Whether a door hasn't been shutting properly, or the motherboard is fried, you can check a number of things on your walk in freezer before calling in a professional to assess the situation.
When You Have No Power or Limited Power to Your Walk in Freezer
If your power is on your walk in freezer, but the lights don't go on for the control board, you have probably blown a circuit or fuse. Check your circuit breakers to see if any of them have been tripped. Reset any circuits that have been blown and check your control board for your walk in freezer again. If you still don't see the control board, it's time to call in a professional who can address the situation.
Your High Temperature Alarm Keeps Going Off
When your temperature rises too high in your walk in freezer, this will set off an alarm. This alarm is meant to protect the perishables that you have within your freezer. If this alarm goes off periodically throughout the day, your problem can be as simple as opening the freezer door too often. When you open the freezer door, you let out precious cold air. Walking in and out too often will increase the temperature within your freezer. Other problems that can cause the temperature to rise include:
- Leaving the door propped open.
- Having very few items in the freezer.
- The evaporator, fan, or condenser is broken.
- A broken seal that doesn't allow the door to shut properly.
Sometimes the evaporator gets covered in ice, which prevents the evaporator from working correctly. This can mean that there is a problem with the functioning of the evaporator, but this can also indicate that there has been too much time between defrost cycles. If your walk in freezer hasn't been defrosted lately, it's time to defrost your system manually. If defrosting your system doesn't work, you will have to work with a refrigeration repair specialist to diagnose the problem.
If your drain pan is filling with ice, you can check your drain pan to see if it is plugged. Check your heater and clean the drain line to see if this solves the refrigeration problem you are experiencing. For more information, contact an HVAC contractor in your area.