Balancing My HVAC SystemBalancing My HVAC System

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Balancing My HVAC System

A few months ago, I realized that something was wrong with my HVAC system. It seemed like no matter what I did, some rooms were hot and some rooms were simply getting too much cooled air. Instead of trying to troubleshoot my air conditioner on my own, I called out a professional HVAC repairman for help. They went through each room of my house when the system was running to measure the outgoing airflow and to check for issues. They discovered some serious balance problems, which they resolved after running a few extra lines. Check out this blog to learn more about HVAC in general.

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You Built An Addition To Your Home: Here Are Two Ways To Keep It Cool

Expanding your home is a great way to get more space and increase the value of your property. However, one common practical concern that comes up is keeping the new area cool, especially when your existing air conditioner may not be sized big enough to service the additional square footage. Here are two things you can do to keep the space nice and cool. Install a Mini-Split System A ductless mini-split air conditioning system can best be described as a single point air conditioning system. Read More 

Three Steps For Improving Your Heating System’s Performance

If you live in an area that will experience very low temperatures during the winter months, you can face monthly heating costs that are painfully high. However, failing to run your heating system can create unsafe and uncomfortable conditions within your home. Sadly, homeowners frequently neglect to utilize some steps that may greatly improve the performance of their heating systems. Insulate Your Ducting The ducting that carries the warm air to the interior vents will be remarkably inefficient. Read More 

Three Reasons Your Air Conditioner’s Thermostat Isn’t Working

When an air conditioner stops working, many times it's because there's a problem with the machine itself. Occasionally, though, the problem isn't the unit but the thermostat controlling it. Here are three reasons why a thermostat may stop working properly and how to fix the issue. The Thermostat Is Dirty Surprisingly, one of the most common reasons why a thermostat will stop working properly—at least temporarily—is because it's dirty. Over time, dust and debris accumulate inside the thermostat and gum up its various moving parts. Read More 

How To Tell If Your Water Pipes Need To Be Replaced

Nothing lasts forever -- including the water pipes in a home. Therefore, it is best to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that there is a need to replace the water pipes that are in your home. This way, you will not have to worry as much. There Is Corrosion On The Exposed Pipes A lot of your piping is going to be behind the walls where you are not going to be able to see it. Read More 

4 Tips To Make Your Home’s Air Conditioner More Energy-Efficient

The energy efficiency of new HVAC units has drastically increased over the past several years, but if your current HVAC unit is still running well you may not presently want to spend a large amount of money to purchase a new unit. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help increase the energy efficiency of the air conditioner that you already have, even if it is not a fancy new model. Read More